Home surveys are a good way to avoid unexpected repair costs further down the line

Home Surveys

Getting the correct survey will allow you to identify how much you may need to invest in a property after you buy it. Buying a property is likely to be the single largest purchase you will make, money spent on the right survey now will help you avoid expensive surprises after you have moved in. The RICS categorise surveys by levels ranging from 1 to 3.  I offer all three types of survey detailed below to include; Condition Reports, HomeBuyer Reports and Full Building Surveys. Please contact me for further information or for a free, no obligation competitive quote.

Level 1 - Condition Report

This is the basic look and is aimed at smaller and simpler properties or those that are less than 5 years old. It provides a general overview of the construction and condition using a traffic light rating system.

The report will highlight urgent, serious and hazardous problems and identify items that need further investigation. I will offer advice on planning, building control and legal issues.  At this level no advice on repairs or ongoing maintenance is provided and therefore this is best suited to newer properties in good condition. No market valuation or reinstatement costs are included with this survey.

Level 2 - Home Survey Report (Homebuyer)

This is the most popular survey and the intermediate level of service. This report is suitable for conventional properties in reasonable condition. It includes a visual inspection of the building, its services and grounds with a view to identifying problems that are serious or dangerous, or may affect the property value.

The report follows a set format and it is easy to follow. It objectively describes the condition of the different elements and provides an assessment of the relative importance of any defects and problems. However, it is not tailored to individual cases or an extensive inspection of the structural elements of the property. It includes an overview of the required property maintenance and gives you an idea of what repairs are needed.

If I am unable to reach a conclusion with reasonable confidence, a recommendation for further investigations may be necessary. At this level, although it is concise, the report does include basic advice about repairs and any ongoing maintenance issues. This report will come without valuation but you can use the report’s suggestions to renegotiate the price.

If the property is relatively new and appears to be in good condition, then industry guidelines recommend the Level 2 Home Survey (Homebuyer) report.

Level 3 - Full Building Survey

Known as the level 3, or Full Structural Survey, this is the top level of service. It provides a much more extensive visual inspection of the building, its services and the grounds. This is aimed at older, larger or unusual properties or where you plan to undertake extensive work. Concealed areas normally opened or used by the occupiers are inspected if it is safe to do so (typical examples include roof spaces and underfloor areas). Everything that can be looked at, will be looked at.

The report objectively describes the form of construction, the condition, the structural integrity, the materials used and the maintenance issues you are likely to see. It describes the condition and provides an assessment of the relative importance of the defects/problems. It will describe identifiable risk and the potential for hidden defects. It will also propose the most probable cause(s) and outline the likely scope of any appropriate remedial work as well as describe the consequences of non-repair. 

This level of service will suit any domestic residential property in any condition. This report will come without valuation but you can use the report’s suggestions to renegotiate the price.